Dubs Powerwash and Softwash
Shawnee, OK - 405-623-5507
Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions. If you don't see the answer you want below please click the button here to reach out to us.

Dryer Vent Cleaning
Q: What all do you clean?
A: We clean from inside the back of the dryer to the outside vent location, whether that is the outside wall or the roof of your house.
Window Screen Repair
Q: Can you replace a missing window screen?
A: We can repair or even replace a broken or torn window screen allowing you to enjoy that refreshing air in your house.
Gutter Cleaning
Q: Do you only clean the gutters themselves?
A: We clean not only the inside of the gutters but also the entire downspout ensuring the water can fully be evacuated from your home. We also clean underground drainage or can add underground drainage to help evacuate the water from around your foundation.
Algae/Mold Removal
Q: Can you remove algae & mold from the outside of a house?
A: Yes, we use a mixture to "softwash" your house that will kill and remove algae and mold from the exterior of your home or even your roof.
Wood Fence Restoration
Q: HELP! Can you make my ugly fence look better?
A: Absolutely! We complete a multi step process to both restore the original color of your wood but also then to brighten it. We can also then stain or seal your fence to ensure it lasts!
Window Cleaning
Q: How do you clean the windows?
A: We use a special made window scrubber with a soap solution to remove oils and dirt from your window and then finish with a squeegee and microfiber town to ensure a streak free finish. We also remove the screens and clean behind them.
Gutter Cleaning
Q: Can you clean the "tiger stripes" from the outside of my gutters?
A: Yes, we can remove the "tiger stripes" and oxidation from the outside of your gutters helping them look like new again.
Driveway Pressure Wash
Q: Can you make my driveway look brand new?
A: Well... Not BRAND NEW lol but we can certainly make it look much much better. We do this with a surface cleaner than helps to remove dirt, debris and oils from your driveway and then we finish by spraying your driveway with a solution that will kill any embedded algae.